Coedwig Machen (UK) "Wandering Eternal In A Dreamlike State" MC 3,5 €
Tape EP limited to 100 copies.
Demonic Rage (CHI) "Venomous Wine From Putrid Bodies" MC 4,5 €
2nd Press! Limited to 150 copies. Comes with woven white logo patch (size 10cm x 6.2cm) and a new bonus track. The mix and the accompanying patch are different to the first version.
Fetid Zombie (USA) / Deathevoker (MAL) "Monolith of Death" Split MC 4 €
Limited to 150 copies. Each tape comes with miniature art/biography cards. v is a different track from the CD version.
Nolti Nan Gana Nan Nolta (UK) "Death by the Venomhammer" MC 4 €
limited to 100 copies