segunda-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2014
Distro update!
sexta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2014
Distro update!
Lamentation (USA) "s/t" MC 3,5 €
Debut demo tape by this band from Texas. Formed by Joshua Bokemeyer (Church of Disgust) and Andrew Guy, LAMENTATION deliver a 6-pack-dose of rancid, traditional, furious Death/Grind in the tradition of bands like Terrorizer, Defecation, Napalm Death, Autopsy or Repulsion. Not for the weak hearted. Negative, nihilistic, hateful Grindcore the way it was meant to be, no modern happy Grind bullshit. Limited to 150 copies.
Machetazo / RAS (SPA) "Split" 7EP 6 €
Split 7" EP between these mighty Death/Grind bands. This piece of pure decay will take its ignominious form by the beginning of 2014. MACHETAZO will feature a cover of Mortician's "Fog of Death" and an alternate take of "Desenterrado" while RAS will deliver their heaviest, darkest and most Death/Grind oriented songs so far.
Lamentation (USA) "s/t" MC 3,5 €
Debut demo tape by this band from Texas. Formed by Joshua Bokemeyer (Church of Disgust) and Andrew Guy, LAMENTATION deliver a 6-pack-dose of rancid, traditional, furious Death/Grind in the tradition of bands like Terrorizer, Defecation, Napalm Death, Autopsy or Repulsion. Not for the weak hearted. Negative, nihilistic, hateful Grindcore the way it was meant to be, no modern happy Grind bullshit. Limited to 150 copies.
Machetazo / RAS (SPA) "Split" 7EP 6 €
Split 7" EP between these mighty Death/Grind bands. This piece of pure decay will take its ignominious form by the beginning of 2014. MACHETAZO will feature a cover of Mortician's "Fog of Death" and an alternate take of "Desenterrado" while RAS will deliver their heaviest, darkest and most Death/Grind oriented songs so far.
terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2014
Distro update!
Hladomrak (SWE) "Hladomrak" pro-tape 4 €
The music on this album is pure genius. Hladomrak are a type of Russian/Swedish fusion band and are what extreme metal will sound like in the future. If a band like Temnozor, Kroda or Nokturnal Mortum were to make a cover album of Soulside Journey, Like An Everflowing Stream or Clandestine it would sound something like this. This music takes the cold, shrill and catchy tones of Slavic black metal and puts it in the framework of Swedish death metal. People have compared this stuff to bands like Khors, Dissection and Unleashed. For people who want sound over everything else this is something that is not to be missed!
Frost (CAN) "Ame Trouble" 3 € Limited to 250 handnumbered copies. sample
The music on this album is pure genius. Hladomrak are a type of Russian/Swedish fusion band and are what extreme metal will sound like in the future. If a band like Temnozor, Kroda or Nokturnal Mortum were to make a cover album of Soulside Journey, Like An Everflowing Stream or Clandestine it would sound something like this. This music takes the cold, shrill and catchy tones of Slavic black metal and puts it in the framework of Swedish death metal. People have compared this stuff to bands like Khors, Dissection and Unleashed. For people who want sound over everything else this is something that is not to be missed!
Frost (CAN) "Ame Trouble" 3 € Limited to 250 handnumbered copies. sample
quarta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2014
Distro update!
Dommedagssalme (UK) "Divisions" Tape 3 €
Dommedagssalme (UK) "S/T (Demo 2004)" Tape 3 €
Draugluin (GRE) "Theozoology" Tape 3,5 €
Forgotten Chaos (SWI) "Demo 2003" Tape 3 €
Gammal Sed (UK) "Blót" Tape 3 €
Lost Flood (UK) "Demo III" Tape 3 €
Lost Flood (UK) "S/T" Tape 3 €
Montségur (RUS) "Under The Banner Of Witchcraft" Tape 3,5 €
Oven - "III" Tape 3 €
Raggradarh/Vanyar (BUL/UK) "Split" Tape 3,5 €
Vanyar (UK) "Leaving..." Tape 3 €
Vanyar (UK) "Triumph Of Vanishing" Tape 3 €
War Of The Roses (UK) "S/T" Tape 3 €
White Medal (UK) "Heathen Ridings Return" Tape 3 €
White Medal/Slægt (UK) "Split" Tape 3 €
Aryan Kampf 88 (BEL) "Acht Und Achtzig" Tape (Wolcnum Records) 3,5 €
White Medal (UK) "Guthmers Hahl" Digpak CD 5 €
White Medal (UK) "Yorkshire Heathen Black Metal" CD 5 €
quarta-feira, 18 de junho de 2014
Distro Update!
Lepra (HUN) "Tongue Of Devil Prayers" CD 5 € Cult, Pure Morbid Black Metal from Hungary. Long awaited debut album finally released.
Dunkelheit (HUN) "Mors Aeterna" CD 5 € Misanthropic Black Metal from Hungary. Long awaited new album finally available.
Boreal Wind (USA/RUS) "Ultima Thule" 3 € Vinland-Russian BM project, pure BBH atmosphere. LP on tape, limietd to 500 copies.
Dark Ages (UKR) - RABBLE, WHORES, USURERS 3 € Dark Ambient from Ukraine. Last album on tape.
Dark Fury (POL) / Evil (BRA) / Pagan Hellfire (CAN) "We Know How To Hate"
Elderblood (UKR) "Son Of The Morning" 3 € Symphonic Black Metal from Ukraine, created by people related to Ulverg, Ygg or Nokturnal Mortum. Debut album on tape, in edition 500 handnumbered copies.
Elitism (FRA) "L'odeur des Deportes" 3 € Great W.A.R. Black Metal from France, in the vein of old true Polish BM! Limited to handnumbered 488 copies.
Folkvang (BLR) "World of Wisdom" MC 3,5 €
Graveland (POL) "Thunderbolt of the Gods" 3,5 € Cult Hammer Metal from Poland. Limited to 500 handnumbered copies.
Karpathia / Sirin (SVK) "Age Of Myths And Legends" 3 € Slavonic Black Metal from Slovakia. Split tape of previous CDr split, limited now to 500 handnumbered copies.
Lascowiec (USA) "Frostwinds Of The Apocalypse" 3 € Excellent Heathen Black Metal from Vinland. Latest album on tape.
Lascowiec (USA) "Isolation" 3 € W.A.R. Black Metal from Vinland. Unreleased album recorded during 2007-2009. Tape in edition 500 hand-numbered copies.
Lascowiec (USA) "Survival" 3 €
Sivyi Yar (RUS) "The Dawns Were Driting As Before 3 € Slavonic Black Metal from Russia. Newest stuff! Tape limited to 300 handnumbered copies.
Skoll (ITA) "Misty Woods" MC 3 €
Skoll (ITA) "Grisera" MC 3 € Cult Italian Heathen Ambient/Black Metal. New album, limited to 500 handnumbered copies.
Stworz (POL) - "Po Czasu Kres" MC 3 €
Torsgard (SWE) "1996-2010" 3,5 € Classic Swedish RAC band. Come back album, with unreleased tracks from silent years! Limited to 314 handnumbered copies.
Winter Deluge (NZE) "As The Earth Fades Into Obscurity" 3,5 € Raw Black Metal from New Zealand. Tape edition of full album with bonus tracks. Limited to 500 handnumbered copies.
terça-feira, 25 de março de 2014

Side Murmúrios de Vento
01. Escarpa
02. Hino Ancestral
03. Poço das Trevas
Side VRT139
04. A Serra de Fogo + O Uivo do Monte
Total Playnig Time: 20:20
Official and Pro-tape, 2 panel both-sided b/w booklet, hardcard paper. Limited to 111 handnumbered copies.
Price 3,5 €
Release date: 26th March 2014
Side Murmúrios de Vento
01. Escarpa
02. Hino Ancestral
03. Poço das Trevas
Side VRT139
04. A Serra de Fogo + O Uivo do Monte
Total Playnig Time: 20:20
Official and Pro-tape, 2 panel both-sided b/w booklet, hardcard paper. Limited to 111 handnumbered copies.
Price 3,5 €
Release date: 26th March 2014
quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2014
01. Blood And Honour
02. Break The Spell
03. Hollow Man
04. New World Order
05. Don't Cry For The Angels
06. Skull Splitter
07. Mo Chroi
08. Vienna
09. Desperate Hours
10. Thunder From Down Under
11. Soldiers Of Steel
12. Today Belongs To Us
Total Playnig Time: 61:46
Official and Pro-tape, 4 panel both-sided coloured booklet, high quality paper, includes all lyrics. Limited edition.
Price (postages included): 5€ (Europe) / 6€ (World)
Release date: 14th February 2014
01. Blood And Honour
02. Break The Spell
03. Hollow Man
04. New World Order
05. Don't Cry For The Angels
06. Skull Splitter
07. Mo Chroi
08. Vienna
09. Desperate Hours
10. Thunder From Down Under
11. Soldiers Of Steel
12. Today Belongs To Us
Total Playnig Time: 61:46
Official and Pro-tape, 4 panel both-sided coloured booklet, high quality paper, includes all lyrics. Limited edition.
Price (postages included): 5€ (Europe) / 6€ (World)
Release date: 14th February 2014
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